Tuesday, June 9, 2009

DRUGS BLDG No. 23 by Brian Stubler


  1. This is a perfect example of your art. Taking a seemingly ordinary shot and doing extraordinary things to it. tweaking it and pulling the viewer inside. Making them "see". That sky is gorgeously angry set against the Drugs sign. Such a delicious transposition.

  2. ironic, that this building advertised drugs back in its day, and now its a vacant heap in a semi-dangerous neighborhood, yet fitting that drugs may still be peddled here.

  3. Especially considering that most "street" drugs were once actually used legally (FDA research, pharmaceutical and medical uses, human research, therapeutic attempts - adjuncts to psychotherapy, chemical warfare, appetite suppressants, etc.), that is until they hit the streets, and then they become illegal - LSD, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Marijuana and so many more. Very fitting picture to represent what happens on our streets after the "wrong people" get their hands on the drugs. Who knows maybe some of those "illegal" drugs were actually sold in that building at one time or another.
